Doctor fish - GARRA RUFA
Little fish cannot completely cure psoriasis and atopic eczema, but...

Little fish cannot completely cure psoriasis and atopic eczema, but they are able to perfectly heal the affected areas with the result that the patient has clean skin for several months or years (the length is always individual).
Mon - Sun: 7.00 - 15.00.
maximum capacity 2 people
duration of the procedure 30 minutes
Garra Rufa
The treatment method Ichthyotherapy is still unknown in the Czech Republic, but is used with great success in Europe. Little fish cannot completely cure psoriasis and atopic eczema, but they are able to heal the affected areas perfectly, with the result that the patient has clean skin for several months or years (the length is always individual). Garra Rufa feeds on the dead skin of patients affected by psoriasis.
The technique of these fish is based on peeling, i.e. they eat the dead skin and then release the important enzyme dithranol from their mouths, the content of which is not yet known, but it calms the skin, at the same time heals it and perfectly heals the new healthy skin and grinds it with its unique technique. These little fish do not have teeth, therefore this treatment method is very successfully used with excellent results almost without any age limit. She can also do manicures, pedicures, ingrown nails, etc.
With this type of treatment, it is very necessary to stop all treatment methods - medicated ointments and corticoids /at least for 1 month/ otherwise there is a very real risk that the fish will die when using this treatment!!!
When the patient enters the bath, the fishes react to the color red, when all affected have reddened deposits and the affected areas are much warmer, and due to the fact that the fish are much more sensitive and choose only the affected areas. An important factor is the fact that this dead skin is a great delicacy for them, so it is not at all a matter of forcing these fish to use this treatment.
Come see for yourself the effectiveness of their work.